By the end of this blog, you will get a clear and fair understanding of how to build lean muscle more effectively. You will become aware of the biggest mistakes that may be stopping you from achieving your dream body.
So, are you ready to give your 100% to achieve a body packed with lean muscles and abs?
Building muscles is not just limited to bodybuilding. Having muscles enhances your personality and increases your sense of confidence, strength, and power.
Dreaming of a lean body is something that we all want to have in our lives. But is that really tough to achieve? Well, if you keep thinking about how hard it is, then surely you are not going to achieve this. Instead, dedicate time to weightlifting, learn how to control your calorie intake, and identify healthy food choices.
Whether you want to become more wide and powerful or want to improve your fitness levels, a muscular and lean body is something that offers a better quality of life and higher levels of energy.
Revealing the Biggest Mistakes for Achieving a Lean Body
If you have been researching how to build a lean body, you know that it’s not a one-day thought that you have been following. Growing up watching movies of fitness and muscle-building enthusiasts like Sylvester Stallone (the iconic muscleman) gives us the confidence to envision ourselves in the mirror with the same body.
So, the point is clear…
It’s not a goal that you decided yesterday. You may have already read hundreds of blogs and watched thousands of videos about building a lean body. However, we are going to provide you with the essential tools for your life transformation.
Before you take your first step toward achieving a lean body, we advise you to check and start implementing some common mistakes and suggestions.
1. Stop Listening and Following Everyone
In today’s time, most content creators used to target various pieces of information from different angles to attract a wider audience. They are now showcasing information with so much credibility and confidence that makes the audience feel like they are sharing useful information.
If you start following useless tips that won’t help you, you risk ending your transformation journey without achieving a lean body.
Busting the Myth: We are not telling you to stop following the biggest fitness influencers and bodybuilders. They have spent decades in bodybuilding, so they will undoubtedly provide you with useful information. However, before you follow someone, be sure to examine the patterns in their previous videos.
Don’t follow someone who used to misguide their audience by flipping the side of information after every interval of time.
So, grab more information and use your brain to understand and implement it in your life.
Tip: If needed, get in touch in person with a well-recognized and successful gym trainer. Check their previous client’s history, and put some trust in him and yourself.
2. Don’t Understanding the Body
Understand your body’s requirements, the way it functions, and the different signs that it delivers to you.
Believe us, it’s going to help you out a lot!
Let’s discuss this with an example.
If you have been a vegetarian since birth and have started eating non-vegetarian food for protein, believing it will help you build muscles faster, then it won’t work for you.
Your body has become accustomed to eating vegetarian food, so if you suddenly start eating chicken or fish, your body won’t be able to absorb the protein and nutrients from it. This will only lead to an increase in the proportion of fat in your body.
Even if you continue vegetarianism for many years, it won’t be as effective as if you were a non-vegetarian from birth. Instead, you may end up with an unhealthy and fatty body filled with harmful diseases.
3. Say No to Shortcuts – No Steriods
Whether your goal is bodybuilding, modeling, or just achieving a slim and lean body filled with muscles, there is no shortcut to achieving the same.
If you lack patience, you should abandon your childhood dream of a lean body immediately.
Patience is something that turns a boy into a muscular man. Be silent, exercise daily, and repeat. Be focused and don’t cheat on your day. One day, you will surely be proud of your lean body.
You may believe that steroids can aid in muscle growth. Remember, time naturally deflates an air balloon. And yes, even a small kid has enough power to pop a balloon with his little finger.
4. Overeating or Following 5 Meals a Day Rule
The most hyped diet trend that promises the fastest way to build lean muscles is following the 5 meals a day rule. But is it really worthy or just overhyped news spreading like fire in the forest?
As we previously discussed, it’s crucial to understand your body’s nutritional needs. This rule confers greater benefits to individuals who have been engaging in weightlifting and adhering to high-protein diets for an extended period, with the goal of enhancing their muscle size.
If you are a beginner, avoid falling into this trap. This is particularly true during the early phases of your quest for a slimmer physique. We recommend consuming only 3-4 meals per day, spaced approximately 3 hours apart. Additionally, try to eat the dinner before sunset.
This will give your liver enough time to digest the food before you go to bed, leading to better sleep and metabolism. It may also detoxify your body over the night and provide you with better blood flow during exercise, leading to better muscle pumps and growth.
5. Eating Sweets & Sugar: The So-Called Flavoured Poisions
“There is little scientific evidence indicating benefits of added dietary sugars, while an overwhelming body of evidence highlights the negative effects of excessive or prolonged sugar intake, particularly from sources like fructose and high-fructose corn syrup,” according to research by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, an official website of the United States Government.
Whenever you consume sugar in any form, you are more likely to face high blood pressure, weight gain, water retention, and fatty liver diseases.
Additionally, sugar releases dopamine, which slows down brain functionality and makes you feel less energetic and focused throughout the day.
Some articles may suggest trying alternatives to sugar, such as brown sugar or natural sweeteners. But we recommend you cut it down properly. This will indirectly help you to build discipline in your life, which may assist you to perform better in your overall life.
Discover the Most Effective Tips to Follow for Aiming for a Lean Body
Simply lifting weights and eating the right amount of protein and carbohydrates is not sufficient to build a lean body. There are other important factors that you should not overlook at any cost. Some of them are mentioned below:
1. Hamper Yourself With High Quality Sleep
Sleep is the most crucial component to building lean muscles. As our daily activities and weightlifting cause our muscles to tear, it’s crucial to get a high-quality sleep at night. It triggers the release of Human Growth Hormone (HGH), which is essential for muscle repair and growth, allowing your body to rebuild and strengthen muscles.
Try to get at least 6–8 hours of quality sleep at night. Also, avoid using any electronic devices 30 minutes prior to your bedtime. This will help you to prepare and relax your body for a restful sleep.
2. Focus on Compound Exercises & Progressive Overload
Compound exercises, such as the deadlift, squat, and bench press, engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, facilitating the rapid development of strength and muscle mass. It also keeps your heart rate up, which helps in improving cardiovascular health.
Also, try to follow the progressive overload techniques while performing weight exercises at the gym. This technique involves gradually increasing the stress on your muscles and nervous system.
Note: While following progressive overload, make sure to take enough rest between two sets. This will help you prevent overtraining and allow your muscles to recover faster.
3. Don’t Neglect Cardio and HIIT Exercises
Don’t forget to add cardio and HIIT exercises to your routine. These kinds of exercises keep your core strong, improve endurance, and help you burn calories more efficiently. Furthermore, it improves your body composition and boosts your metabolism.
Additionally, these exercises will also keep your heart healthy and fit.
4. Don’t Fall in the Trap of Low-Carb Diets
Avoid following low-carb diets. Individuals whose only motivation is to stay fit and improve energy and strength should not follow these diets.
Carbs are the main source of energy, and they help the body function properly, especially during high-intensity workouts. If you suddenly cut down carbs from your diet, then you may feel headaches, bad breath, fatigue, and anger issues. So, instead of totally cutting down carbs from your diet, try to only remove food items that are high in carbs, like burgers, fries, etc.
Food low in carbs, like eggs and salads, will provide the necessary nutrients to your body without causing any negative effects.
Read Also:- How Gut Health Impacts Mental Well-Being
Building lean muscles effectively is not an overnight task but can be done over time. Throughout the phase, maintain a high level of motivation and refrain from checking your body weight on a daily basis. Also, don’t indulge in junk or sweet dishes. You are the only one who can improve your body. Additionally, remember to stay hydrated and make the necessary adjustments to achieve your fitness goals.
Whenever the motivation fails you down, just imagine viewing your lean body in the mirror!